Ficool is a unique formulation have waterproofing properties and heat reflecting pigments to reflect solar energy, especially energy in the infrared spectrum. Product is based on exterior grade liquid rubber which ensures very high exterior performance. This significantly reduces heat transfer into indoor areas, which reduces average indoor temperatures by 5°C and reduces dewing to improve the coating’s durability. When applied to the exterior of a building, Ficool reduces internal heat gain from walls and roofs to help keep the interior cool and reduce use of air conditioning. And, like any other Fibrex product, it is designed for easy application and results in a long-lasting and beautiful finish. A breathable, elastomeric waterborne topcoat, Ficool uses an advanced hybrid resin technology to ensure excellent anti-carbonation properties and crack-bridging ability. Thanks to the combined effect of heat reflecting pigments and glass microspheres with sol gel, Ficool increases the total solar reflection by more than 100 percent compared to conventional coatings. This significantly reduces the transfer of heat into indoor areas, which reduces average indoor temperatures by 5°C and cuts cooling time and cost. As a result, Ficool can reduce a building’s energy consumption by 5 percent.
Stone Tiles
Clay Bricks
Plastered Walls & Roofs
Metal Sheets
Unique thermal insulation properties.
Proven energy-saving capabilities.
Waterborne coating.
Low maintenance and long life
Excellent anti-carbonation and anti-fungal properties.