Fibfloor CEM is a self-leveling ECC underlayment flooring material for use where exceptional strength and toughness is needed and where the flooring has to be laid on damp surface. It is a three component water based epoxy system with selected cementitious components. Fibfloor CEM has excellent adhesion and provides good abrasion resistance on floors.
Sports Turf
Paper Mills
Bottling plants
Power Houses
Fertilizers Plants
Automobile Plant
Dairies & Breweries
Kitchens & restaurant
Petro Chemical Industries
Pharmaceutical Industries
Operation theatres & corridors in hospitals
Pathological laboratories & Nursing homes
Fermentation floors in tea garden and food processing units
Nuclear plants, computer and control panel rooms
Electric and electronic industries, picture tube manufacturing plants & textile mills
VOC Free
Blistering Free
Very high abrasion resistant
Resists chemical, fungal & bacterial growth
Easy to apply, flow-able consistency
Excellent bond to concrete
Extremely high early strength
Easy to apply and can act as underlayment for any epoxy coating or flooring
Provides monolithic surface with good aesthetics
Ideally suitable where the sub flooring damp or expected to contain moisture